Gas Safety Instructions
We take the safety of our customers and whoever may come into contact with our products very seriously. We recommend that you always follow the safety instructions.
Calor Gas Cylinder Safety Information
Basic Rules
- Calor Butane cylinders (blue) may be used indoors in residential premises, provided the appliance is specifically designed to house the cylinder (e.g. a “cabinet heater”) or a specific cylinder housing is provided. A further maximum of up to 15kg in not more than 2 spare cylinder(s) may also be stored indoors.
- Don’t use Calor Propane cylinders (red) indoors except in commercial and industrial premises for work processes and/or for short periods when propane cylinders may be used inside by trades people (e.g. plumbers), but the cylinders must always be stored outdoors.
- Remember cylinders are heavier than the weight marked on the outside, lift carefully or use a trolley. A full cylinder will weigh about twice the net contents weight shown on it.
- Always keep the valve closed and replace the cap/plug in its outlet connection (even when empty).
- Do transport, store and use cylinders with their valve uppermost.
- Do treat cylinders with care to ensure they and their valves don’t get damaged
- Do keep all cylinders in a safe, well-ventilated place, outdoors, away from escape routes and stairs. The area where cylinders are located outdoors should be kept free from rubbish and excessive build-up of vegetation; e.g. trees, bushes, undergrowth and weeds in the vicinity prevented.
- Do make sure the cylinders are properly secured and are kept upright in use (except where cylinders are designed for liquid offtake (black coloured top/shroud).
- Do keep cylinders and cartridges separate from other flammable and combustible materials and not near to any corrosive, toxic or oxidant material.
- Do return cylinders when empty or no longer required to a London Gases.
- Don’t subject cylinders to excessive heat or position them near to a hot surface/source e.g. a boiler flue or radiator.
- Don’t use butane cylinders, even in cabinet heaters where gas is prohibited in a building or location.
- Don’t use barbeques indoors, even if supplied from butane cylinders.
- Don’t store or use cylinders in cellars or below the ground level, or adjacent to or over any opening into a cellar.
- Don’t obstruct access to cylinders.
- Don’t position cylinders adjacent to doors or in passageways.
- Don’t smoke or use a mobile phone when changing cylinders.
- Don’t allow electrical equipment, vehicles, bonfires, or other potential sources of ignition near the cylinders.
- Don’t use cylinders other than for supplying gas, they are the property of Calor Gas.
- Don’t try and remove the valve or cut the cylinder, it will still contain a flammable gas which can explode if in contact with an ignition source, such as a spark.
- Don’t throw cylinders away, return them to a Calor retailer or stockist.
Storage of LPG in Commercial and Industrial Premises
- LPG cylinders should be stored in accordance with UKLPG Code of Practice No. 7 “Storage of Full and Empty LPG Cylinders and Cartridges”. Separation distances vary dependant on the quantities of LPG being stored, however, the main requirements are as follows:-
- In the case of fixed installations, Calor Propane cylinders must be sited outside LPG cylinders should be stored in accordance with UKLPG Code of Practice No. 7 “Storage of Full and Empty LPG Cylinders and Cartridges”. Separation distances vary dependant on the quantities of LPG being stored, however, the main requirements are as follows:-
- The use of a purpose built compound or cage is recommended.
- Full and empty cylinders should be segregated.
LPG cylinders should be segregated from flammable liquids, combustible, oxidising, corrosive, toxic materials & compressed gas cylinders
Basic Procedure in case of a Fire
- Don’t try to put out a fire involving LPG – leave it to the fire brigade. It is safer to evacuate everyone from the area. An overheated cylinder or cartridge may explode.
- Dial 999 to call the Fire Brigade, tell them LPG cylinders are involved.
- Tell everybody to leave the premises/area and go to a safe place well away from the installation/cylinders. If you have a fire alarm, activate it.
- A fire involving grass, rubbish, etc, can be tackled with a fire extinguisher or hose reel if it is safe to do so. Always call the fire brigade first. If the fire is near the cylinders or pipework, or if you can’t put it out quickly – leave it.
- In any emergency situation, it is of paramount importance to avoid endangering human life.
- Always approach a fire or leak from upwind. Do not attempt to extinguish a flame unless it is safe to do so.
- Keep all persons, except those necessary to deal with the emergency, at least 60 metres away from the danger area.
Leaking of LPG without Fire
- In the event of a leak, take the following action:
- If it is safe to do so, turn off all appliances and attempt to stop the leak by closing the valve where possible and replacing the plug or cap.
- If the leak cannot be stopped, the cylinder should be carefully removed to a well-ventilated open space clear of drains, buildings and sources of ignition. It should be marked faulty and left with the leak (usually at the valve) uppermost. General access should be prevented e.g. by temporary barriers. Call Calor Gas Emergency Service on 03457 444 999 immediately.
- If the leak is indoors, open all the doors and windows. Do not switch any lights or electrical equipment on or off, as this may cause a spark. Do not smoke.
- If you have a leaking cylinder indoors and it is safe to move the cylinder outdoors, move it to a well-ventilated location where the leaking gas cannot find its way into a building, basements, cellar or drain.
- In no circumstances should anyone attempt to dismantle or repair defective cylinder valves.
First Aid Information
- Eyes: Cold burns should be flushed immediately with tepid water to normalise temperature. Hold eyelids apart while flushing to rinse entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Cover the eye with a sterile dressing and obtain medical assistance immediately.
- Skin: Burns should be flushed with tepid water to normalise temperature and until circulation returns. Cover the burns with sterile dressings. Do not apply ointments or powders. Obtain medical assistance immediately.
- Ingested: No emergency care anticipated, the material is a gas at standard temperature and pressure.
- Inhalation: Remove the affected person to fresh air. Keep the patient warm and at rest. If breathing has stopped administer artificial respiration. Give external cardiac massage if necessary. If the person is breathing, but unconscious, place them in the recovery position. Obtain medical assistance immediately.
- Other Requirements: Severe inhalation, over exposure to this product may sensitize the heart to catecholamine induced arrhythmias. Do not administer catecholamine to an over exposed person.
Helium Gas Cylinders
- Never allow children or any unauthorised person to handle the cylinder or to use balloon filling equipment.
- Before use the helium cylinder MUST be safely secured to prevent falling/toppling over.
- The cylinder contains compressed helium under pressure. Do not place nozzle in mouth or nose for any reason. Doing so can damage lungs and other body parts, which can result in serious personal injury or death.
- Do not inhale helium. Use only in a well ventilated area. Never use in closed spaces. Helium reduces and can eliminate oxygen available for breathing. Inhaling helium can result in serious personal injury or death.
- Do not store in damp areas. This can cause the cylinder to rust. Rusting of the cylinder can result in a violent bursting of the cylinder resulting in serious personal injury or death.
- Never expose the tank to direct heat or fire. Exposure to those conditions could result in the operation of the pressure relief device, which will result in sudden discharge of pressure from the cylinder resulting in serious personal injury.
- Do not mistreat the tank by dropping on sharp or pointed surfaces. This could puncture the tank causing a sudden release of the contents resulting in serious injury or death.
- If transporting the cylinder by car, ensure that the vehicle is well ventilated and the cylinder is well secured.
- Never open the cylinder valve without fitting an inflator nozzle first. Then proceed to open the valve slowly.
- When inflating balloons, always point the balloon and inflator nozzle away from you.
- Remember to close the cylinder valve after use.
- For non-refillable cylinders, do not refill with any material. This could result in violent bursting of the cylinder resulting in serious personal injury or death.
- If in any doubt, please phone us on 020 8807 4633.
High Pressure Gases and Liquefied-Compressed Gases (LPG)
(Drinks Dispense gas, Calor Gas, Helium and Hobbyweld gas cylinders)
The following general practices are recommended for the safe handling and storage of high pressure gaseous and liquefied-compressed gases in transportable containers.
- Only trained persons should handle compressed gases.
- Observe all regulations and local requirements regarding the storage of containers.
- Do not remove or deface labels provided by the supplier for identification of the container contents.
- Ascertain the identity of the gas before using it.
- Know and understand the properties and hazards associated with each gas before using it.
- Establish and implement plans to cover any emergency situations that might arise. When doubt exists as to the correct handling procedure for a particular gas contact the supplier.
Handling and Use
- Wear stout gloves. Never lift a container by the cap or guard unless the supplier states it is designed for that purpose.
- Use a trolley or other suitable device or technique for transporting heavy containers, even for a short distance.
- Leave valve protections caps (where provided) in place until the container has been secured against a wall or bench or placed in a stand and is ready for use. Never remove valve guards or cages which permit access to the container valve. This type of valve protection is intended to be permanently attached.
- Where necessary wear suitable eye and face protection. The choice between safety glasses, chemical goggles, or full face shield will depend on the pressure and nature of the gas being used.
- Ascertain that an adequate supply of water is available for first aid, fire fighting, or dilution of corrosive material in the event of leakage.
- Employ suitable pressure regulating devices on all containers when the gas is being emitted to systems with a lower pressure rating than that of the container. Before connecting the container for use ensure that back feed from the system into the container is prevented.
- Never use direct flame or electrical heating devices to raise the pressure of a container. Containers should not be subjected to temperatures above 45°C.
- Never re-compress a gas or a gas mixture from a container without consulting the supplier.
- Never attempt to transfer gases from one container to another.
- Do not attempt to increase liquid draw-off rate by pressurising the container without first checking with the supplier
- Do not use containers as rollers or supports, or for any other purpose than to container the gas as supplied.
- Never permit oil, grease or other readily combustible substances to come into contact with valves of containers containing oxygen or other oxidants.
- Keep container valve outlets clean and free from contaminants, particularly oil and water.
- Do not subject containers to abnormal mechanical shocks which may cause damage to their valves or safety devices. Never attempt to repair or modify container valves or safety relief devices. Damaged valves should be reported immediately to the supplier.
- Close the container valve whenever gas is not required, even if a container is still connected to equipment.
- Replace outlet caps or plugs and container caps (where provided) as soon as container is disconnected from equipment.
- Containers should be stored in a well ventilated area. Some gases will require a purpose built area.
- Store containers in a location free from fire risk and away from sources of heat and ignition. Designation as a ‘No Smoking Area’ is recommended and is essential if flammable, toxic or oxidising gases are stored.
- The storage area should be kept clear and access should be restricted to authorised
persons only. The area should be clearly marked as a store and appropriate hazard warning signs displayed (flammable, toxic, radioactive, etc.). - Containers in storage should be properly secured to prevent toppling or rolling. Vertical storage is recommended where the container is designed for this. Container valves should be tightly closed and, where appropriate, valve outlets should be capped or plugged. Container valve protection guard or cap should be in place and properly secured. Protect containers stored in the open against rusting and extremes of weather. Containers should not be stored in conditions likely to encourage corrosion. Store full and empty containers separately and arrange full containers so that the oldest stock is used first.
- Gas containers should be segregated in the storage area according to the various categories (toxic, flammable, oxidant etc.). The amounts of flammable or toxic gases in storage should be kept to a minimum. Flammable gases should be stored away from other combustible materials.
- Containers held in storage should be periodically checked for general condition and leakage.
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