Build the perfect barbecue: Three steps to ripping hot coals
We've all been there. You've started up your barbecue only to realise that you just can't get enough heat going. The last thing you need is meat that can take hours to cook, or even worse, meat that won't cook at all! Read on to find out the three steps you need to take to guarantee that your barbecue has enough heat.
Step 1: Lay a layer of coals
The first step to ensuring that your barbecue will heat up perfectly is by putting coals at the bottom of the pile. Many people make the mistake of laying them on top of an already roaring fire, but this means that the only part of your coals that will get hot is the bottom, which won't heat your food. By building a fire on top of the coals, the top of your coals can get hot and stay that way, offering a great cooking temperature for your dinner above.
Step 2: Start small
The first thing you want to be lighting is small kindling. If you start with large logs, you won't be able to make sure that everything catches alight for quite some time. Smaller twigs and even chopped up parts of logs will catch much more easily. Start small, and then the heat from your smaller pieces of fuel will do the rest.
Step 3: Don't cook on the logs
Whilst the heat from logs can be tempting to cook on, they can't always be relied on for consistent heat. After all, they are grown naturally, so they are much less uniform in their heat output than coal. Instead, try to use logs to build up the amount of heat your fire is producing, pumping degree after degree into your coal. Coal holds heat for longer, which means that you can barbecue for hours on end with the heat you've built up first.