Building The Perfect Autumn Fire
Autumn is here: the nights are getting longer and the days are getting colder. That means that it’s the perfect time to start using your log fireplace again. An authentic log fire is a great way to keep warm during autumn and winter months. it provides both cosiness and a sense of timeless charm. However, you may be wondering how to make sure your log fire is as warm, efficient and long- lasting as possible. After all, you don’t want to rely on a cool or inefficient fire during the colder half of the year! To help you, we’ve come up with a list of tips for building the best possible log fire this autumn.
1. Choose kiln-dried logs
Kiln-dried logs burn hotter than seasoned logs because they have a lower moisture content. As a result, less thermal energy is wasted on evaporating the H2O trapped in the wood: that energy is used to heat your home instead. Kiln-dried logs often burn for longer than ordinary seasoned logs, too. Seasoned logs are perfectly acceptable for fires that are used in conjunction with a central heating system or fires that are lit during the spring and summer. However, for autumn and winter fires, we strongly suggest using kiln dried logs. They will keep your fire burning hotter for longer.
2. Clean your fireplace before building a fire
Excessive quantities of ash and other debris can impede your fire and prevent it from burning properly. Some ash is perfectly acceptable, but you shouldn’t have a fireplace that’s chock-full of materials that will get in the way of the fire. By cleaning your fireplace before setting up your fire, you can ensure that it burns efficiently. A fire in an appropriately-cleaned grate can often burn for longer and at a higher temperature than one in a grate that contains obstructive debris.
3. Don’t use too many logs at once
Don’t overburden your fire with too many logs when you first set it up. An excessively large fire takes longer to heat up and a lot of thermal energy is wasted in the process. For a warm, efficient fire, start with a few logs and add more as needed.
Following these simple tips will help ensure that your autumn fire is warm, efficient and long-lasting. We sell a wide range of logs (alongside Calor gas bottles, coal and other fuels) here at London Gases, so check out our range today.