How Best To Use Your Logs Both Inside And Out

In recent years more and more people have been looking at logs for a variety of purposes, these could include a cost-effective option for heating homes, entertaining guests outside to keep the chill away or simply just as a focal point. Here are a few tips on how best to use your logs, no matter what your intended purpose is.


Appropriate storage of your logs is crucial to achieving the perfect fire. You need to find somewhere that is accessible and not too far away from where you want to use the logs. The place you choose needs to be dry and sheltered from the elements. If the wood gets damp it simply won’t burn as well. The best storage for your logs is stacked inside a shed or outside in your garden in a wood storage shelter. A great idea is to have a smaller wood basket inside your home if you are using the logs for your fire to ensure you always have a few logs ready to use.

In the home

Logs can be used as an excellent heat source within the home. Nothing beats a cosy, open fire or wood burning stove on a cold winters night. Wood burning stoves have become increasingly popular over the last few years with more people than ever opting for this focal point in their homes.


People love to entertain guests and there is no better place than in the garden. Invite guests outside safe in the knowledge they will be warm with the use of a fire pit or chimenea. These are both real features in any garden and logs burn perfectly on either. Friends and family will love enjoying each other’s company and will exchange stories with the warm glow of a fire and enjoy nature at the same time. An excellent tip is to cut up some of the larger sticks into kindling to get the fire started easily – kiln dried logs should also light quite easily. Kids and adults alike will enjoy toasting marshmallows over the flame ensuring great memories are made that will last a lifetime.

So, when you are looking at the new addition for your home either inside as a wood burning stove, an open fire or you simply want to enjoy more of the great outdoors with a fire pit or chimenea then logs really are perfect.