How To Eat Well Using Your Camping Gas Stove

Cooking outdoors is part of the fun of a camping trip. You will almost certainly take along a few of the old favourites like good old tins of beans, which are easy to heat on your gas bottle stove, but there are many possibilities that you've probably never even considered. You'll be amazed at just how versatile your Calor gas stove can be and you can look forward to a varied menu of fabulous food, cooked and eaten in the great outdoors.

One-pan wonders

The key to successful camping stove cooking is to use recipes which can be completed in a single pan. You could try soups or stews, but try to avoid tougher meat that takes a long time to cook or you'll be going through gas bottles very quickly. If you fancy a traditional English fry-up but can't juggle all the different elements in one pan, why not cut your bacon and sausages into smaller pieces so they cook faster and then cook the whole lot together with the eggs, binding everything into one omelette. Can't live without your takeaway pizza? The camping stove version will be even better. Use a pizza base mix to make two rounds, spread your fillings on one and cover with the other, sealing the edges. Simply fry in a frying pan to cook.

Tasty kebab creations

Even easier than a one-pot meal are kebab skewers, and there is no limit to the different combinations of sweet or savoury ingredients you can use. Prawns mixed with vegetables such as peppers work well and, as prawns take very little cooking and turn pink when ready, you won't need to worry about them being underdone. Chicken skewers are great, but do be careful that the meat is cooked all the way through. Try interspersing fruit with fluffy marshmallows for a sweet treat.

Pep up the hot choc

A cup of hot chocolate last thing before sleeping under the stars is something of a tradition. Easily heated over a camping stove, why not make it a little more interesting by adding a tin of caramel or a swirl of melted marshmallows.

So, as you escape the bustle of London, make the most of your camping gas stove and enjoy cooking outdoors as part of your camping holiday.