Planning for your BBQ – are you ready?
With summer having arrived, and everyone enjoying the warmer weather and longer hours of daylight, people’s minds have turned to relaxing outside. There is nothing people in London like to do more than have BBQs when the sun is shining; it’s a great social occasion for families, friends and the community. But what do you need for your BBQ to be perfect? Things like food and drink are obvious, choosing a convenient time can be sorted amongst the invitees, but have you forgotten something…?
1. Calor gas, coal and logs
Regardless of the primary fuel source of your BBQ, we guarantee that you will need more than expected. Nothing will ruin a BBQ faster than running out of fuel, so it’s something you need to consider before starting the big event. Calor gas, coal and logs can all be stored safely once finished with, so it’s always best to have more than enough.
2. Balloons
Every event is made better with balloons. Children love playing with them, they are a great way to mark your location, and they really add to the party mood. Blowing up your own balloons with helium is far cheaper than having them ready inflated, so it’s usually more cost-efficient to buy helium gas. It’s also entertaining watching people try to inflate their balloons, so can easily be made into a spectator event!
3. Back up plans
The weather in London is dynamic, and even if it’s sunny now, that can quickly change. As well as having contingency plans for you and your guests in case of a sudden change in weather, you also need to know how to quickly store your BBQ equipment in a safe manner. Make sure you have read all the safety information and associated instructions before using any BBQ equipment. If you ever need some assistance then speak to an expert!