Person cooking food on a BBQ

Precautions to ensure you have a safe barbecue season

BBQ season has finally arrived again. Time to lift the lid and get cooking outdoors! Do you have a gas or a coal barbecue?

Through research, The National Fire Protection Association established that gas grills result in more home fires than charcoal grills. If you prefer coal to gas for outdoor cooking, here are some pointers to keep in mind to make sure nothing goes wrong this barbecue season.

1. Ensure your grill is steady

Using a grill mat protects your deck from any incidental sparks. The mat also holds your grill steady in place, lessening the possibility of accidentally toppling the grill.

2. Only grill outside the house

Obvious to most, but there's always someone! Once you're out, look out for any overhanging branches and consider the material used to make the balconies, courtyard or patio you are planning to use your grill on. Wooden surfaces catch fire easier.

3. Be cautious when using a charcoal starter fluid

Only use charcoal starter fluid when starting the fire and refrain from adding the fluid again, even if the embers are dying.

4. Dress appropriately

Be cautious of your apron tails and shirt sleeves hanging over the grill, as they may catch fire.

5. Dispose of the coal safely

Leave the coal to cool down completely before you dispose of them, preferably in a metal bin.

6. Maintain your charcoal grill against damage by rust

You may want to store your grill in a dry place to avoid any rust-induced crevices where hot coal my penetrate and fall onto the deck.

After-use awareness

Refrain from placing any flammable materials, such as plastic, on or near the hot grill after you are done with grilling. Beware that grills can still be hot several minutes after you're finished.

Of course, before, during and after barbecuing, always arm yourself with an extinguisher so you're ready to fight any fires. Better safe than sorry.

At London Gases, we offer barbecue gas, coal and logs fit for use outdoors, so you're prepared to cook delicious BBQ food when the sun comes out – and hopefully stays! Get in touch with us today to find out more.