The Best Solid Fuels – Ecological Options For Fuel Users

At London Gases, we aim to provide the widest possible variety of fuels. You are probably already aware that we sell a comprehensive range of gas fuels (including Calor gas bottles and helium gas). You may also know that we sell traditional logs. But did you know that we offer several very eco- friendly solid fuel options too?

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint and minimise your impact on the environment, you may wish to consider trying out some of these fuel options. We’ll look at each of them in detail in today’s blog.

1. Smokeless coal

From an environmental perspective, the main problem with coal is that it produces a great deal of smoke. Smoke is made up of a wide variety of different pollutants and impurities that can cause ecological damage when they are released into the atmosphere. However, our smokeless coal and ‘ecoal’ is almost 100% carbon and contain very few impurities. This means that they can be burnt without producing smoke or releasing any significant pollutants.

2. Eco-wood briquettes

Eco-wood briquettes are made from highly compacted wood-shavings. Like smokeless coal, they contain almost no impurities, and therefore produce fewer pollutants than ordinary logs when they are burned. They are also very dry: a typical eco-log briquette contains less than 10% moisture. In fact, it’s not uncommon for briquettes to contain only 6% moisture. This dryness helps them to burn even more cleanly.

3. Peat briquettes

Peat is a naturally occurring, renewable fuel. It is made from plant matter which becomes compacted over time in peat bogs. This matter is then dried out and turned into briquettes. Not only is peat renewable, it also produces very little CO2 and other pollutants when burned. However, peat isn’t just environmentally friendly, it’s also a truly lovely fuel option thanks to its pleasant earthy aroma.

At London Gases, we're happy to provide you with Calor gas bottles, logs and other conventional fuel options. However, if you want to try a slightly greener type of solid fuel, why not pick one of the options we’ve listed in today’s blog?