Tips for using your gas BBQ
Now that the warmer weather is approaching London it’s time to throw those BBQ parties you have been missing. While these parties may be one of London’s favourite summer activities, using and being in control of the BBQ may put some people off hosting; here are a few tips to using your gas BBQ that will significantly reduce the stress, making you want to invite people around and enjoy the sun.
1. Control flare-ups
Flare-ups are an expected part of using a gas BBQ and need to be managed effectively to ensure your food doesn’t get caught and burnt. To avoid this, keep a section of your grill clear so you can move food to this area. If a flare-up occurs, let it burn itself out before continuing cooking – the only time you need to adjust the gas setting is if the fire spreads, in which case turn everything off. It’s worth noting that the better the connection between the gas and the grill and the higher the quality of gas, the less likelihood there is of flare-ups happening.
2. Have plenty of fuel available
There is nothing worse than running out of BBQ gas halfway through cooking, especially when a group of expectant guests are hungrily waiting for their food. Having to leave your party to refill your gas tank means missing the party and disappointing people. As such, it’s always worth having extra fuel available to ensure this doesn’t happen.
3. Regularly check all components
Maintaining your grill doesn’t just mean cleaning the cooking surface area. To properly take care of it you need to inspect its internal parts, checking that the burners are clean and not clogged, and also testing the igniters. Only through regular maintenance will you be able to achieve the best possible performance from your grill, resulting in the best tasting food.
4. Use your variable temperature settings
Just because your grill temperature settings go all the way to high, this doesn’t mean everything needs to be cooked at this level. Thinner cuts of meat, including burgers, should use high temperatures and be cooked quickly, but this is not the case for everything. Any food with a delicate flavour, such as fish and vegetables, is best enjoyed when cooked on a medium temperature so that the taste is not overpowered. Large cuts of meat need to be cooked indirectly, meaning that they should be placed next to the fire, rather than directly above it. Mastering the various temperatures your grill provides is key to cooking the tastiest food.