4 tips to prepare your log burner for winter
With summer coming to a close and the days starting to get shorter again, it won't be long until a roaring log fire accompanied by a rubbish movie and a glass of wine suddenly becomes appealing. As winter draws in, we want to make sure your log burner is primed and ready for use after a few months of warmer weather. Here's 4 top tips for making sure you're ready for a cosy night in by the fire.
1. Clean your log burner
The first thing to do to get your log burner ready is to give it a good clean. Make sure any old ash and other debris is swept out and give the log burner a good wipe down with a wet cloth to get rid of any dust and ensure it's looking spotless for the winter. Once this is done, we need to turn our attention to the chimney.
2. Check the chimney for blockages
Over the summer, your chimney could become blocked by birds’ nests or other debris that could cause a fire if left intact. Make sure your chimney is free of such obstacles before lighting any fire in your log burner. You'll also want to check the brickwork to make sure there are no cracks or loose bricks that could break or catch fire once the burner is lit.
3. Sweep the chimney
It is also important to sweep your chimney before you use it. You can do this yourself or hire a professional chimney sweep to do the job for you. If you're doing the job yourself, make sure you have the correct sized brush for your chimney and that it will reach all the way to the top, to ensure you sweep it thoroughly.
4. Stock up on logs
Now the chimney and log burner are ready for use, it’s time to stock up on logs. At London Gases, we sell a variety of softwood and hardwood logs, as well as kindling, perfect for burning at home. We even deliver for free in London on orders over £40!
And that's it. Time to relax beside a roaring fire with a drink – before we know it, it'll be Christmas!