Can you use conifer logs in a wood-burning stove?

An extensive selection of wood types are available for log burners but they always fall into two main categories, softwood, and hardwood. While it’s true that any wood that has been dried and seasoned properly is fit for a log burner, different species will impact the results. Here we will explore conifer wood as a fuel source and dispel some of the common misconceptions about this option.

Can you use conifer wood in your log burner?

If it has been dried correctly, conifer wood is a suitable fuel for burners. In Scandinavian countries, conifer is a firm favourite, but it is also available to buy in Britain. Conifer is classed as softwood so while a kilo will give the same heat levels in your burner as an equal weight of hardwood, it burns faster. As a result, you will need to buy a bigger supply of softwood than if you opt for hardwood as your solid fuel of choice.

Softwoods like conifer are ideal to start your fire, but adding some hardwood after will allow you to keep your burner going for longer.

Myths about burning conifer wood

Many believe that conifer is bad for the burner as the resins and saps it contains can cause chimneys and flues to be coated with tar. However, this type of issue is more likely to be caused when unseasoned logs are burned. If the conifer wood has been dried properly it will be fine to burn. Another reason people have for not buying conifer wood is the fact that it tends to spit excessively.

With your logs being consumed while safely enclosed in a wood-burning stove, this quality of conifer wood is never a problem. However, it does make it an unsuitable fuel source for open fireplaces and campfires.

The ideal wood for your London address

Whether you want to buy wood for your log burner or a campfire you can count on London Gases. Purchasing pre-dried wood that comes pre-seasoned couldn’t be simpler when you choose us as your supplier. Try Kiln-dried logs for perfect moisture levels and slower burn rates and contact us today to place your order.