Get creative with helium balloon party decorations

Helium balloons are an easy way to add a little extra something to party and wedding decorations. They can be made to look fun, funky or elegant, and kids go absolutely crazy for them. It's win-win!

Here are three great ideas for things you can do with helium balloons to jazz up even the most low- key of parties:

1. Helium balloon clusters

A group of helium-filled balloons can easily be clustered together – tie the strings together at the base of the balloon and add a small weight at the end of the string to prevent them from floating to the ceiling. Helium balloon clusters can be dotted in corners or used as a table centrepiece. Curl the balloon ribbons to add a little elegance and experiment with colours and shapes to match your party theme.

2. Tie them up

Helium balloons look good tied to just about anything. They can be tied to the backs of chairs, to drinking cups, or to the tops of party bags at children's parties. You could even put together a fun children's party game by tying light toys and snacks, such as single crayons or sweets, to the base of helium-filled balloon ribbons – children can pick out their party bag toys from where they hang in mid-air. They'll absolutely love it and the balloons can be part of their take-home party bag at the end of the day!

3. An outdoor spectacle

Last, but certainly not least, you could always release them. Few sights are more impressive than hundreds of balloons disappearing into the sky, and there are few more memorable ways to mark the high point of a party or celebration. Be sure to use natural latex balloons, which are biodegradable and better for the environment, and make sure all of your guests are gathered around and paying attention – this will not be a moment to miss.

For more information about helium gas canisters and gas delivery in London, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us by telephone on 020 8807 4633 or email Alternatively, you can simply fill in our online contact form.