How to store gas safely over winter
It's no great secret that the BBQ season is nearing its end. Some may be smelt as September fades into October, but these truly are the most resilient of BBQ fans. As the season is drawing to a close, now is the time to start planning where to keep your outdoor grill and, most importantly, your gas bottles as wetter weather draws in.
Naturally, if your BBQ is fixed in place or built into your garden; it's perfectly fine where it is! However, those with more mobile grills ought to consider a deep clean and storing it indoors to avoid degradation over the winter months. This is optional as many may not have a suitable storage option but when thinking about where you'll be storing your gas bottles, action becomes a little less optional and a lot more mandatory.
Disconnect the gas supply
Firstly, if you are leaving both your BBQ and gas bottle outside in the elements; disconnect the gas supply. This is, without doubt the most important thing you must do to stay safe over winter as a connected supply is dangerous. Even if the BBQ itself is being stored indoors; ensure the gas bottle is kept outside – this will make certain that the bottle is in a well-ventilated area and is away from sources of ignition.
Do regular checks
Follow up checks are a great idea too. There's no harm at all in checking the valves are firmly turned off now and then or checking to see what is being stored nearby that might present a hazard. By carrying out infrequent checks, you can also eliminate the potential for tampering.
Keep them out of plain sight
Whilst it is doubtful anyone would want to tamper with your safely stored gas bottles, curiosity may get the better of some if the bottles are left in plain sight. Wherever possible, keep your gas bottles out of the reach of children and explain the dangers of gas as a deterrent.
So, in a nutshell, gas bottle safety over the winter months is very straightforward but is certainly more than a one day job.