Safety tips when using commercial gas equipment

Gas can be used for a number of purposes, including welding, heating, cutting, straightening or descaling. Commercial gas equipment is extremely versatile and portable, as well as being very affordable. In fact, it's so commonly used that people sometimes forget about the dangers that can be posed when using gas. Lots of people receive injuries or die each year due to wrong or careless use of gas equipment, and one of the major risks of using gas equipment is fire.

Tips for reducing fire risks when using gas equipment

The flames from gas torches can be an extremely powerful source of ignition and careless use has been the cause of many fires. The flame from the gas torch will quickly ignite any combustible materials nearby like paper, wood, cardboard, rubber, plastics or textiles. Many commercial processes will also generate sparks or hot spatter which can also cause fires.

The following tips could help prevent a fire when you use commercial gas torches and equipment:

Other potential hazards caused by use of commercial gas equipment

Some added hazards that could occur when gas equipment is used include:

You can find out more about the safe use of commercial gas equipment on the Health and Safety Executive website (insert link:

London Gases supply calor gas to businesses throughout the London area. Get in touch with us to discuss ways you could save money on your regular gas purchases.