London Beer Gas – The Importance Of Gas In Beer
If you own a pub, restaurant or bar, you shouldn't underestimate the importance of the gas you choose for your beer. In fact, gas should be seen like any other ingredient – an important part of the beer's make up which can have a bearing on texture and taste.
As far back as ancient times, natural bubbles would provide an extra refreshing taste to mineral water, and also to beer. People would enjoy the frothiness which was offered by the carbon dioxide that was present due to natural reasons.
Today, the majority of carbon dioxide is obtained through industrial processes like ammonia synthesis. It has food grade quality after the cleaning process, and allows beer to stay fresh for longer thanks to the CO2's role in inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.
CO2 also plays an important role in determining the taste of the beer, by changing the pH value. This happens when water combines with CO2 and
forms carbonic acid. This also has a part in keeping the beer fresh for longer.
So let's spell it out – here are five quick fire benefits of beer gas:
- A head which is foamy and long lasting – a lager with a head which disintegrates almost as quickly as it is poured can be disappointing. The right beer gas can ensure that the head has more longevity.
- Retains flavour – the gas can have the effect of prolonging the taste of the beer and making it more refreshing; crucial for lagers such as pilsners.
- Creamy – if you are looking for that creamy consistency which is often desired for ales, then beer gas is your friend!
- Cost reduction – you can find that beer gas can actually reduce your pour costs, as it has the effect of increasing the volume of each pint.
- Smoother to dispense – if you have ever worked behind a bar, you will know that it can be much easier to pull a pint with a gassy beer.
Gas certainly provides beer with a lot of benefits, but making sure you choose the right gas to blend with your beer is also crucial to achieving optimum taste.